I have always wondered if it were possible to be a good graphic designer as well as good web designer. Could the two creative art mediums coexist in the same mind equally?
In the graphic designer world, fonts and paper sizes play a important role in trying to get your audience to stay on a page long enough to get a marketing message across. You are often faced with a limited area in which to achieve this. In web design you are generally trying to keep your audience on a specific website for as long as possible. The amount of pages to work with can be unlimited. I have heard a few people say that web and graphic designers think with different parts of the brain. From my experience with both mediums I can certainly a test to that. Web design is a totally different medium where the "paper size" (the screen resolution) changes for every viewer, colors don't cost extra, fonts are limited to a select few, and extra images might mean losing customers. Website design walks a fine line between having a great design and having a great design that no one will see because it loads too slowly or cannot be found by search engines.
In my opinion the days of web-designers and graphic-designers being two separate things is numbered. I think eventually they will need to be one in the same because of companies trying to cut cost and not wanting to pay two people when they could just hire one person to handle graphic & web-design. I have also noticed more and more web based design in graphic-design classes in college, leading me to believe the day is coming. So... like asked in the beginning of this blog, I have always wondered if it were possible to be a good graphic designer as well as good web designer? I think will find out sooner than many people think.